How to Build a V-Thread

From the anchor you are clipped into, look around for some good, clean, flat ice that you can use to make your anchor easily.

Take the longest screw you have and make a divet in the ice. Then, reorient your screw to 45-degrees and begin to drive it into the ice to the end. Remove the screw, or leave it slightly in the hole for reference. 

Use another screw or the same one to measure the same distance from the hole and begin to place this screw also at a 45-degree angle oriented to hit the end of the hole you just created. Note: you can do this on a horizontal plane or on a vertical one, whatever is easier depending on the ice and spindrift or your position. 

Check the second hole, make sure you connected the two, and blow out the holes to clear them of snow or ice. 

Get your V-threader ready, place your cord or rope into the hole and grab it with your V-threader and bring the cord/rope out the other side. Now you’re ready to knot your cord or tie two ropes together for a “naked” thread and rappel. 

Note: If the ice is really wet, you’ll want to use a cord to rappel as your ropes could ice up. 

Always back up the first person with another screw near your anchor and a draw to the ropes and bounce test your anchor before lowering. The second can then remove the backup screw before descending.

Disclaimer of Liability: Technical rock and ice climbing is inherently dangerous. Neither Broad Beta, LLC., nor any of its employees, shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein, and Broad Beta, LLC. assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information.
Any person using our gear in any manner is personally responsible for learning the proper techniques and good judgment. We strongly recommend that every climber seek instruction by a qualified professional.


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